Our story

Het Nieuwe Logisch came to be because of a longing for a decreasing trash mountain.
We went looking for materials that are being thrown away in large numbers so we could make new producst out of them.

The materials

The first material that matched our ideas was the bike tube. Bike tubes are strong and leather-like, this makes them super suitable for the underside of a bag.
And of course we are based in the bike tube epicentre of the world. With about 23,5 milion bikes in the Netherlands, there's enough thrown away bike tubes to keep us busy.
After the bike tubes we found the seatbelts and tarp. Both strong, both thrown away in huge amounts and both perfect to make bags.

The design

With all materials ready, the next step was designing.
It was very clear that we wanted a bag, but what type of bag? After a lot of different ideas, lots of tests and many meetings, we had de Weekendtas (at first we called it de Nedertas). A simple and practical bag, designed for longevity. After all we don't want the whole lot to still end up in the trash.

Then what?

With Kickstarters' help we finally launched Het Nieuwe Logisch in 2021.
Ever since then we are working hard on new designs and bettering the old ones. Our motto hasn't changed:
We find it logical to use existing materials and produce locally for fair pay.

Our team

Als je een verschil wil maken, dan moet je dat samen doen.

Martijn ten Kate

All-rounder and production specialist

Elina Eikelenboom

Process expert

Bente Verhulst

Vooral heel enthousiast

We get our waste materials from:

And the bags are made by: